Bay Area Therapy for Wellness - Blog
6 Things You Need to Know About Grief & Loss Counseling
Counseling for loss and grief is a safe place where you can talk about your grief without being judged. We will work together so that you can learn how to cope with your loss in healthy ways. Here are six things you need to know about counseling for grief and loss.
Caregiver Burnout and Grief After Death
You have spent so much of your time caregiving for your loved one. It doesn’t matter the length of time, the diagnosis or anything else – entering grief after being a caregiver is a unique time in your life.
Knock Knock: It’s Depression
My (least) favorite thing to experience! Depression comes and goes for many of us and for a few lucky ones <insert eye roll>, it’s how we operate through life all the time. There are many types of depression, just like there are many types and flavors of ice cream. Let’s take a look at the most common types of depression.
Grief & Living With A Chronic Illness in San Francisco, CA
You have received a diagnosis – not a terminal diagnosis like end-stage liver failure and not an acute diagnosis like a broken arm either – a chronic illness. What does that even mean!?!
Have You Considered Online Therapy in California?
Have you ever searched “counseling near me?” and had a million results pop up but you have to sort through all of them to figure out who is actually near you? How long is it going to get from point A to B in traffic? Can I squeeze it in on my lunch break? What if I need someone to watch my mom with dementia or my kids afterschool?
Never worry about the logistics or barriers to counseling again!
Why Start Family Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area?
When we have a crisis in a family, usually there is tension and stress. There are typically different roles that each person in a family unit play and they may change roles or intensify their roles. There’s a lot to unpack here, but you get the idea.
What is Anxiety Treatment?
Anxiety can be so many different things. It can be from a chemical imbalance in our brain or body. On the other hand, anxiety can also be a response to situations where we weren't feeling (or simply weren’t) safe. Anxiety can also be rooted in our childhood from when we maybe didn't have our needs met by caregivers. Sometimes, it can also be passed on through genetics.
What is Grief?
Grieving comes in all shapes and sizes and at some point, it hits everyone. Whether we’re grieving the loss of a loved one like a parent, sibling or child, a relationship, a pregnancy, our health or even what we thought our life would look like or where we live. Grief is an inevitable part of life. In this blog we talk about the different types of grief, some symptoms of grief and some tools to help.
What do I need to do if I am going to die?
What do I need to take care of if I am going to die?