Anxiety Treatment in
the San Francisco Bay Area

Distressed woman leaning against brick building. If you need support managing anxiety, talking with an online therapist can help. Call now and begin anxiety treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area soon!

What is anxiety?

What is anxiety? What does it feel like? How does it affect your life? As an anxiety therapist, I can help you find the answers to these questions.

Especially if you can relate to any of the following:

  • You experience an undeniable sense of worry

  • Friends and family tell you to relax, but it is not that easy

  • You want to live without being held back by the anxiety

People don’t understand anxiety unless they have it. Even then it can be a slightly different experience for each of us. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions that we experience and yet, not everyone understands it.

Anxiety isn’t all bad either. Sometimes, it helps keep us safe and navigate complex situations. But when it’s rough, it’s rough.

When anxiety is stopping you from doing the things you want to do, it becomes a problem. Some people have what is called high achiever anxiety and while they appear that they function really well, it is actually a painful experience and not sustainable. Overthinking or overanalyzing everything is exhausting!

It’s important to learn more about anxiety through anxiety treatment. Once this happens, we do a lot of exploration on some of your biggest triggers and anxiety traps. Then, we can start to work through issues and counteract those thoughts which will lead to changed behaviors.

“Some days, doing ‘the best we can’ may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect—on any front—and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else.”
Fred Rogers

Stack of books with coffee. Needing support is OK! talk with a skilled online therapist and begin finding hope. Online therapy in the San Francisco Bay area is here when you're ready!

Common Reasons Adults Come to Anxiety Treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area

Anxiety can present in a lot of different ways. Not everyone will have the same or all of the symptoms. Instead, it is the clustering of symptoms that anxiety therapists look for. Interestingly enough, men and women typically display anxiety differently. The list below is just a list of common symptoms between both genders. Do any of these symptoms sound like you?

  • Avoiding situations that peak the anxiety

    • grocery stores, meeting new people, speaking out in meetings, flying, doctors appointments, connecting with a therapist

  • Never feeling good enough

  • Excessive worry

  • Too much or too little sleep

  • Stomach / digestive problems

  • Racing heart

  • Feeling stressed all the time

  • Easily irritable

  • Always thinking about or anticipating the worst like death or an accident that causes injury

  • Replaying conversations/interactions in your head, over and over thinking about what you could have done differently

  • Feeling overwhelmed, not knowing where to start

  • Muscle tension

  • Easily tired

  • Reactive

  • Telling people to be careful

Woman in jean jacket smiling and looking relaxed.  Its time to see how an anxiety therapist can support you. Try anxiety treatment in the san francisco bay area, the north bay area, or anywhere via online therapy in California

An Online Anxiety Therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area Can Help You Manage The Anxiety

Anxiety can make you feel overly stressed, panicked, and irritated. A lot of people have problems with sleeping too much or too little. Sometimes, people feel so overwhelmed that they can’t even figure out what they want to do, let alone attempt it. Do you ever feel like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel of anxiety?

The good news is, you don’t have to live with anxiety this way. Anxiety treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area is actually really successful when matched with the right anxiety therapist in California. We can work to control your anxiety and find solutions that work for you to bring the worries down to an appropriate and healthy level, allowing you to live your life the way you want to.

Getting help for the anxiety is a strength and it takes a lot of courage. Connecting with a therapist is anxiety-provoking. However, you’ve done a lot of anxiety-provoking things before. We’ll work through this together.

Stephanie Crouch, an online therapist. I can help as I understand what anxiety feels like. Working with a skilled anxiety therapist can help. Call now and begin anxiety treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area!

My Approach to Anxiety Treatment in California

Fellow “anxious bug” here as a professor once called me. I get anxiety because I live with it daily too. I know your struggles and your pains. I have been working on managing my anxiety for a long time. However, that required me to figure it out first. After I finally figured out what I was feeling wasn’t something I had to live with.

Some people might question how I can be an effective therapist if I 1) disclose that I also struggle with anxiety and 2) have anxiety. But these aren’t mutually exclusive. Experiencing anxiety doesn’t mean we aren’t successful in what we do.

Here is the thing…

As your anxiety therapist in California, transparency is one of my biggest values, I share my experience with you so that you know you’re not alone. Know that we really can find ways to cope with the anxiety, control our responses to anxious thoughts and move toward the life that we want. I know, because I’ve been there too.

I’ve helped many people from teens, adults, and seniors work through varying forms of anxiety. Anxiety like test anxiety, social anxiety, job performance anxiety, needle fear (I worked in dialysis!), all the way to end-of-life anxieties. General anxiety just happens to be one of my favorite areas to work within.

I know anxiety inside and out from both personal and professional experiences and that’s how I know, if you’re willing to show up and put the work in - I can help you too.

When You're Ready

Begin Anxiety Treatment

in the San Francisco Bay Area

Curvy women on beach talking photos. Need support? Talk with an anxiety therapist in California.  Begin online therapy for anxiety treatment in the san francisco bay area. Call now and start healing

Our anxiety therapist is equipped and ready to help you tackle anxiety

Let’s find your joy and your confidence!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the go-to treatment for anxiety treatment. What this involves is identifying your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how they work together. From there, we systemically make changes to each by challenging your thought process and pointing out things that don’t always add up or fall into the category of catastrophizing.

This will help bring the worrying down to appropriate and healthy levels. When we do that, we will be able to take back your life - you get to decide how you live your life, not the anxiety.

Connect with Bay Area Therapy for Wellness

  • 1) Take The First Step

    We know that reaching out to a counselor is anxiety-provoking. That is why we make it easy. Use our form on our contact page, send an email or leave a voicemail. Stephanie will call you back, you’ll have a short conversation, and book your complimentary consultation. No surprises here!

  • 2) Virtual Complimentary Consultation

    We will meet for about 20 minutes on our HIPAA secure therapy platform. We’ll talk about some of the things going on in your life and things that you’d like to work on. We will both get to ask each other questions. Entering anxiety treatment is an important first step and we want to make sure we both feel like we’re a good match for each other. From there, we’ll schedule your first formal session. Again, no surprises!

  • 3) Begin Anxiety Treatment in the Bay Area

    During your first session, typically referred to as an intake session, we’ll make sure we cover our bases on housekeeping items such as paperwork and again, make sure we’re on the same page. We’ll start to get to know each other better and talk more about your hopes for the time that we work together.

    If any of this seems overwhelming, just make the first contact with your anxiety therapist and we’ll walk through all of the steps together.

Bay Area Therapy for Wellness Specializes In:


Oftentimes, anxiety is just one of the things going on in our lives. At Bay Area Therapy for Wellness in California, we specialize in not only anxiety but also chronic health conditions, caregiver support, family therapy, grief counseling, and depression therapy - all through our online therapy platform in California. If any of these other areas have also impacted you or a loved one, we can work on that too - we’ve got you covered.

Anxiety is exhausting, our online therapist in California can help!