Grief Counseling in the San Francisco Bay Area

Sad statue. Grieving can happen over many changes. See how grief counseling in silicon valley, san jose, and the bay area. Call now and seek support from a grief counselor.

You’re grieving.

Things feel so unfair.

You’re not sure how you’re going to continue.

The anger, sadness, shock. Waiting for your loved one to show up around the corner, such a huge sense of disbelief. How were they alive and now completely gone from your life? You’re trying to keep their memory alive, crying at every memory, and maybe saving old voicemails out of fear that you’ll forget what they sound like. You’re grieving and it’s time to meet with a grief counselor in San Jose, Silicon Valley, or San Francisco, CA to help you manage this loss.

“There is no pain so great, as the memory of joy in present grief” - Aeschylus

Stone for commemorating grieving.  Have you talked with a grief counselor? It may be time. Begin online therapy for grief counseling in silicon valley, san jose, and the bay area!

What is grief?

Grief is often thought of as the measure of love. Whatever it is that you loved, when it’s gone or has changed and we feel an overwhelming sense of sadness - it’s grief. Whether we’re mourning the loss of a family member, friend, or pet in a “traditional” sense or we’re grieving a change in employment, facing a chronic or terminal illness diagnosis, moving neighborhoods or ending of friendships, romantic relationships or facing what’s called disenfranchised grief. Whatever it is that you’re grieving, it’s valid, it’s real. If you feel like you’re struggling, we can help.

*Disenfranchised grief is essentially when you’re facing a loss that others don’t talk about such as a miscarriage, being a survivor from an accident where others died (survivors guilt), or being an “other” in a romantic relationship.

It may be time to seek grief counseling in the Bay Area


Everyone responds to loss differently, it’s a deeply personal experience. A lot of the time, grief can look like depression, but sometimes it has gone on for “too long” or the impact is stopping someone from tending to their responsibilities. When severe grieving symptoms have gone on too long, it can still look like depression but it may be called “prolonged grief",” typically meaning that it has gone for 6 months to more than one year. Some symptoms of grief can include:

Grey scale hand on window. Needing support is ok. Let's talk in grief counseling in silicon valley, the bay area, and san francisco. Call now for online therapy in California!
Hand outstretched. Online therapy is a great place to start for grief counseling. Call now and begin grief counseling in the bay area and speak with a compassion grief counselor in California!

Our online grief counselor can help you find a way to smile at old photographs again

We both know you’re in the thick of grief right now. Looking at those precious photos, the sonogram, the collar from your favorite pet, listening to that last voicemail, or coming to terms with living with a chronic illness. "It is all just too painful right now. We’ve been there, we know how it feels and so many of our clients have been there too. You are so not alone in this, even if it feels like it. So many others just like you know the pain of the world continues, business as usual, the biggest slap in the face.

Perhaps, you are thinking about how it is even possible right now? But there is a piece of you that knows how much you loved what you lost & that you will, eventually, need to find a new normal.

Finding a New “Normal” Takes Time

We are not talking about the kind of “new” normal like a new car to replace the old car because we aren’t replacing anything here. But a new normal that can remember what you loved so much and smile, be thankful for the time that you did have, find a way to continue forward, and find a way to smile at old photographs again. As a grief counselor, I have helped so many others find joy after heartbreak, you should be next.

Stephanie, an online grief counselor in California. Needing support is ok. Call now and get grief counseling in Silicon Valley, San Jose, and the San Francisco Bay Area! Begin online therapy with a skilled grief counselor when you're ready!

My Approach to Grief Counseling in the Bay Area

I am unfortunately a member of the loss club too. Losing a loved one is one of the most human experiences that we all face and yet, no one really knows how to handle it. When we have our time together, I feel that it is so important to honor your loved one. I am not simply here to help you “reduce your symptoms.” There is so much to process, from family dynamic changes, and routine changes to finding a new way to move forward while honoring the memory of your loved one. Finding joy again, being able to smile at old photographs, and not feeling guilty for laughing again, it’s one of the hardest roads traveled. But it is doable. Having the help of a grief counselor in California that has walked that road herself personally, combined with the clinical knowledge and experience is one of the best things you could do to help yourself through your grieving process.

When You're Ready

Begin Grief Counseling

in the San Francisco Bay Area

Woman holding firecracker. Let's see how we can help you move forward with online therapy in California. Begin working with a grief counselor and start recovering. Try grief counseling in the Bay Area when you're ready!

Our grief counselor is ready to help you take the next step

Grief is one of those things that you have to go through to grow. It may not seem like it at this moment, but somehow you will find your way through this. You will be able to spark joy in your life again without feeling guilty. You don’t have to live like this forever. Grief counseling in the San Francisco Bay Area can help you honor your loved one while still honoring yourself and your own life. Our caring Bay Area-based therapist can help you find your way. To start your online therapy in California journey, follow these three easy steps below or click the “begin grief counseling” button.

Easy Ways to Connect with Bay Area Therapy for Wellness

  • Older woman on phone. Our online grief counselors in California are here to support you. Call now and begin grief counseling in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, San Jose, or anywhere online.

    Call or E-Mail Us

    First, reach out to us by either calling or emailing us. We will connect and gather some basic information to make sure we’re on the same page. After that, we’ll schedule a free 20-minute consultation! Nothing to be nervous about here, just a conversation!

  • Woman meeting counselor. Its time to process what you have been through. Talk with an online therapist and begin grief counseling in the bay area. Call now and begin online therapy!

    Free Consultation with Stephanie

    You’ll meet with Stephanie, your grief counselor via online therapy during your free 20-minute consultation. We’ll get to know each other a little bit and you’ll have time to ask questions too! We want to make sure we both feel like we’re a good fit for each other.

  • Smiling woman outside. Begin grief counseling in the bay area, silicon valley, or San jose. You can begin to move forward your way. Call now for online therapy in California!

    Begin Grief Counseling in the Bay Area & Find Joy

    If you think Stephanie is the grief counselor to help you through your grief, we’ll schedule for and meet for our first 50-minute session. First, we will make sure we’ve covered our housekeeping items & then we’ll begin diving into your grief counseling in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, or the Bay Area.

I specialize in…


Grief can knock you on your knees and make everything else in your life feel dull and cloudy. It doesn’t have to stay this way. Maybe you’re facing anticipatory grief about a loved one as you’re the caregiver to someone with an illness. maybe you are facing a chronic or terminal illness of your own. Whatever it is that you’re facing, Bay Area Therapy for Wellness provides counseling for caregivers, family therapy, grief therapy, depression therapy, and anxiety therapy.

Grieving is a testament to love, staying miserable is not.